Friday, September 12, 2014

Wet footed scratching Great Blue Heron

I took great joy in being with my wife Gretchun on Friday, September 5, 2014 at the Circle B Bar Reserve. She and I both got multiple pictures of this Great Blue Heron as it was wading and hunting in the water alongside the Wading Bird Way Trail. The bird was about fifty or so yards away, necessitating the use of my tripod. I had to take several pictures as it stopped and scratched an itch in hopes of getting one good one. I unfortunately could not get a good angle to take a clearer shot of the reflection under the bird.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

I'm scratching as fast as I can.

This is still another example of my wildlife photography that involves the Circle B Bar Reserve during the summer of 2014. This Great Blue Heron was vigorously scratching the side of it's head when I captured this image. This is also the sam GBH from the previous two posts.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Bad hair day for a Great Blue Heron

This Great Blue Heron is the same one from yesterday's post, just a few minutes later. I do not know if birds can be infested by fleas or not. If they can be infested, the Great Blue Heron, as the largest of the Heron family has plenty of room to carry them. I am thinking that what ever is causing this Great Blue Heron to scratch was also giving him a bad hair day.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Itch and Scratch week.

First, let me apologize for the break in posting, but as all of you can say, life gets busy and choices have to be made. I think (and hope) that I have enough photographs of animals itching and scratching or at least preening to do one a day. The first photograph is of a Great Blue Heron in a Cypress tree at the Circle B Bar Reserve in Polk County, Florida. If you look really closely at the right hand side of the Heron, you can just see one toe/claw sticking out from under the wing where it is apparently scratching.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Osprey 108

I managed to get this image of an Osprey perching on a Cypress tree Branch at the Circle B Bar Reserve. The Circle B Bar Reserve is located in central Florida about half way between Winter Haven and Lakeland, Florida. This photograph of the Osprey bird is one of many I took of that bird on July 12, 2014. The fishhawk is a large predatory bird that is common in Florida and often seen along lakes and rivers perched in trees or on telephone poles. It's primary food source is the various types of fish found in both fresh and saltwater here in Florida.