Thursday, August 27, 2015


I took this wildlfe picture of this feeding Osprey during the middle of June, 2013 at the Circle B Bar Reserve in Polk County, Florida. There are a large number of Ospreys that live in or near this nature preserve and feed in nearby Lake Hancock. I frequently see ten or more of these beautiful birds of prey flying over the lake. I caught this one sitting on the branch of a dead tree snag eating it's meal and occassionally calling out to it's mate. This bird of prey is a very large bird that is specially adapted to taking it's prey from out of the water. Part of it's adaptation is the curved talons that make it easier to capture it's slimy and squirming prey, fish. Often, these magnificent birds are also known as a fish hawk. The Osprey is far easier for me and my camera to get good pictures of when it is perched and I am using a tripod. Lunch time (their lunchtime) is the best time for me to take a wildlife picture of them. 

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