Saturday, September 5, 2015

My shot of an August full moon....

I took this nature photograph of the moon early one morning during August of 2014 from a public dock at the South Lake Howard Nature Park. In order to make the moon more clearly visible I had to change the background to black using Gimp's photo editing program. This photograph was taken with a GE X2600 Digital camera on a tripod. The X2600 is a great bridge camera that can be relied upon to deliver crisp sharp images straight from the camera if the photographer uses basic camera handling skills. Whenever possible, the use of a good quality tripod is one of those skills. This camera is called a "bridge" camera because it bridges the gap between a "point and shoot" camera and an SLR (Single Lens Reflex) camera. A "Point and shoot" camera is typically a pocket sized camera that might or might not have a built in telephoto capability. It also has relatively little controll over the camera settings. It typically gives good "snapshot" pictures and is relatively inexpensive. An SLR camera is far more expensive, but has the capability of using many different lenses by changing them as needed. It also has a high degree of control over the camera exposure settings. It is a far more expensive phography system. A bridge camera typically has a single, though larger and more complex lense, and most of the basic exposure controls that you would find on an SLR camera.

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